FFBE幻影戦争 戦略RPG/シミュレーションゲーム:The announcement seems to be about a cam

【FFBE幻影戦争 戦略RPG/シミュレーションゲーム】The announcement seems to be about a campaign for the 4th anniversary of the game “FFBE幻影戦争” (War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius). Players have a chance to win up to 10,000 yen worth of “えらべるPay” (Selectable Pay) every day. It involves following the game’s official Twitter account, retweeting a specific campaign tweet, and checking the lottery results through a provided URL. The campaign runs for four days, and the URL for checking the results changes daily. Overall, it seems like a nice opportunity for players to potentially win some rewards.
