タウンシップ最新情報 新しいイベントが始まりました! タウンシップの新しいイベントが始まりました!今回のテーマは「ハロウィン」です。期間中、プレイヤーはハロウィンにちなんだクエストをクリアすることで、様々な報酬を手に入れることができます。また、ハロウィン限定の建物や装飾品も登場しますので、ぜひチェックしてみてください。 新しい機能が追加されました! タウンシップに新しい機能が追加されました!それは「友達との貿易」です。この機能を使うことで、自分の町で生産した商品を友達と交換することができます。友...
タウンシップ最新情報 新しいイベントが始まります! タウンシップの新しいイベントが始まります!今回のテーマは「ハロウィン」です。イベント期間中、プレイヤーはハロウィンにちなんだクエストをクリアすることができます。また、新しい建物や装飾品も追加されます。この機会に、タウンシップの世界を楽しんでください! 新しいアップデートがリリースされました! タウンシップの新しいアップデートがリリースされました!今回のアップデートでは、新しい建物や装飾品が追加され、プレイヤーのタウンをより魅力的にすることがで...
- 深夜に失礼します。【2023年6月24日0時】の「タウンシップ」最新情報をお知らせします。 Plant kingdom reigns supreme here Jump into the game to navigate through the thorny path and uncover the truth!
深夜に失礼します。【2023年6月23日0時】の「タウンシップ」最新情報をお知らせします。 Embark on our newest season and claim your rewards An epic odyssey awaits — waste no time and dive in!
タウンシップ最新情報 新しいイベントが始まります! タウンシップの新しいイベントが始まります!今回のイベントは、古代の遺跡を発掘することがテーマです。イベント期間中、プレイヤーは遺跡を発掘し、貴重なアイテムを手に入れることができます。また、イベント限定の建物や装飾品も手に入れることができます。 新しいアップデートがリリースされました! タウンシップの新しいアップデートがリリースされました!今回のアップデートでは、新しい建物や装飾品が追加され、プレイヤーの街をより一層魅力的にすることができます。ま...
- 深夜に失礼します。【2023年6月12日0時】の「タウンシップ」最新情報をお知らせします。 That Piggy Bank is chock-full! Don’t wait — get rewarded for your saving skills!
タウンシップ最新情報 新しいイベントが始まります! タウンシップの新しいイベントが始まります!今回のイベントは、プレイヤーが自分の農場を育て、収穫することに焦点を当てています。イベント期間中、プレイヤーは新しい作物を育て、収穫し、報酬を獲得することができます。このイベントは、6月15日から6月30日までの期間中開催されます。 新しい建物が追加されました! タウンシップに新しい建物が追加されました!今回の新しい建物は、プレイヤーが自分の農場を育てるのに役立ちます。この新しい建物は、6月15日から...
深夜に失礼します。【2023年6月6日0時】の「タウンシップ」最新情報をお知らせします。 Ready to embark on epic adventures? The new regatta season is already here Join now and claim victory!
タウンシップ最新情報 新しいイベントが始まります! タウンシップの新しいイベントが始まります!今回のイベントでは、新しい建物や装飾品が登場します。イベント期間中は、特別なタスクをこなして報酬を手に入れることができます。ぜひ参加して、素晴らしい景品を手に入れましょう! 新しいアップデートがリリースされました! タウンシップの新しいアップデートがリリースされました!今回のアップデートでは、バグ修正やパフォーマンスの改善が行われています。また、新しい機能や建物が追加されています。ぜひアップデートして...
タウンシップ最新情報 新しいイベントが始まります! タウンシップの新しいイベントが始まります!今回のイベントでは、新しい建物や装飾品が登場します。イベント期間中は、特別なタスクをこなして報酬を手に入れることができます。ぜひ参加して、素晴らしい景品を手に入れましょう! 新しいアップデートがリリースされました! タウンシップの新しいアップデートがリリースされました!今回のアップデートでは、バグ修正やパフォーマンスの改善が行われています。また、新しい機能や建物が追加されています。ぜひアップデートして...
深夜に失礼します。【2023年6月3日0時】の「タウンシップ」最新情報をお知らせします。 It's time to harvest great deals and reap the rewards Don’t miss out on the opportunity to get everything you need! ...
深夜に失礼します。【2023年6月1日0時】の「タウンシップ」最新情報をお知らせします。 Gear up for the newest event and merge your way to victory! Join the fun and collect all the rewards
タウンシップ最新情報 新しいイベントが始まりました! タウンシップの新しいイベントが始まりました!今回のイベントは「ハロウィン・パーティー」です。イベント期間中、プレイヤーはハロウィンにちなんだタスクをこなすことで、素晴らしい報酬を手に入れることができます。また、新しい建物や装飾品も追加されました。ぜひ参加して、ハロウィンの楽しさを味わってください! 新しいアップデートがリリースされました! タウンシップの新しいアップデートがリリースされました!今回のアップデートでは、新しい建物や装飾品が追加...
タウンシップ最新情報! 新しいイベントが始まりました! タウンシップの最新バージョンがリリースされ、新しいイベントが始まりました!今回のイベントでは、素晴らしい報酬を獲得するために、スリリングなイベントに参加することができます。アップデートして、今すぐ参加しましょう! マッチングパッチイベントが開催中! 待ちに待ったマッチングパッチイベントが開催中です!このイベントに参加して、あなたの意見を聞かせてください! スポーツマラソンが始まりました! 春が近づいてきたので、外に出て運動しましょう!ス...
深夜に失礼します。【2023年5月24日0時】の「タウンシップ」最新情報をお知らせします。 Exciting news: the regatta task counter has returned, thanks to popular demand! Let's dive back into the game and blast through this regatta season ...
深夜に失礼します。【2023年5月23日0時】の「タウンシップ」最新情報をお知らせします。 The newest version of the game awaits! Update now and embark on thrilling events and earn great rewards
タウンシップ最新情報 新しいイベントが始まりました! タウンシップでは、新しいイベントが始まりました。今回のイベントは、マッチ3パズルゲーム「Matchy Patch」です。このイベントでは、プレイヤーはパズルを解いて、素晴らしい報酬を手に入れることができます。イベントは現在開催中ですので、ぜひ参加してみてください。 スポーツマラソンが開催中! タウンシップでは、スポーツマラソンが開催中です。このイベントでは、プレイヤーはランニングやジャンプなどのスポーツを楽しむことができます。また、イベント...
Townshipの最新情報 Matchy Patchイベント開催中! 2023年3月2日、TownshipはMatchy Patchイベントを開催しています。イベントは現在進行中で、プレイヤーはパズルを解いて報酬を獲得することができます。イベントに参加することで、新しいアイテムや装飾品を手に入れることができます。 Sports Marathonイベント開催中! 2023年3月1日、TownshipはSports Marathonイベントを開催しています。このイベントでは、プレイヤー...
We’re sure you waited for it 👀 The Matchy Patch event is up and running NOW 🚴 What do YOU think about it? 🧐 リンク ...
It’s almost spring and it’s time to get out there and exercise! 🤸♂ The Sports Marathon is LIVE already! ⛹️♀️ Run, jump and play with Township! 🏂 リンク ...
Any top-drawer Explosive Puzzle players here? 🏅 Show off your achievements below and let us know what’s the secret? 👑 3…2…1…Go! 👍 リンク ...
Lennon wanted the best, you know the rest 😁Can you help him fix the situation and take Britney on a romantic date? 💖 Check it out now! 👀 リンク ...
A good deco needs a spectacular place in town! 🤩 Show off where you put your decoration below 👇 リンク ...
Is there anything more fun than decorating a town? 😍 Now you can get more decorations and fill your environment with love! 💞The Store is OPEN again! 💚 リンク ...
Facebook Discover the secrets of Ancient Egypt in the new regatta season that has just kicked off 🛶 What’s your victory strategy, sailors? 🏆 リンク ...
Free up some space for the new building - the PET SUPPLY FACTORY! 😮Our fluffy friends have their bite of joy, too, now! 🐶 リンク ...
Woohoo, the newest game version is up and running 🚀 Give it a go now, and let us know what you think 👇 リンク ...
Christmas is family time, Townshippers! ❤ Anyone playing the game with the whole family? Tell us what’s your playing routine 📱 リンク ...
- Dear Townshippers, our Team wishes you and your families all the jingly, jolly joys of Christmas!🎅 Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎄 リンク ...
Hurry up to join the Christmas events! A small prediction before you start—the first 3 words you'll see in the pic below describe your result in the competition! 😃 https://t.co/kKE7cvtedx...
Marvelous news—Township Store is available again 🤩 Some new decorations are waiting for you in the game! 🎄 Hurry not to miss the chance 🏃♀ https://t.co/9Aq3lF7HeA ...
Attention ❗ Something super important is hidden in the picture 🕵️♀️ What is it? 💜 https://t.co/Axtn1Ke0x7 ...
Do you, guys, want to learn how to make a cup of delicious #Township #cocoa? ☕️ TAP LEFT to discover the ingredients! 🍩 https://t.co/zgmKfen7wC ...
’Tis the Season for splendid rewards 🎄 Go for the gold in the Magical Christmas adventure to get the most festive prizes 🔔 https://t.co/RYGZEUeW9D ...
And yet another astonishing adventure starts today! 🐠 Get Fishdom Solitaire here: https://t.co/9hP2oLLxTY 🐟 As always, a lot of fun awaits you on the official Twitter page: https://t.co/...
Cozy days get even better with friends! 👫 Put your invitation code below and find yourself a ton of buddies to play with! 📱 Anything is possible when you have the right person next to you...
The world, even the smallest parts of it, is filled with things you don’t know 🧐 Do you have any guesses as to what the end of the story will be? 🎈 Let us know your thoughts! 📃 https://t....
- What a storm! 🌪 Sandra and Harold are left alone on an island and need your help to survive! ⛺ Open the game to lend them a hand in this challenging situation 🤝 https://t.co/fcHRPkjrWR ...
It's here! 😍 The new version of the game is out for all our players! 📱 Get it now and prep for the exciting events to come, Townshippers 🎉 https://t.co/vJONSJwUyn ...
Look—Michelin restaurant, taste—incredible, quality—high-class! ? This is how an Apple Cafe should look! ? Have you started this magnificent renovation yet, guys? ? https://t.co/MOVARfqT1...
Jump into the heart of ancient legends in the new Regatta season! ? What is your victory strategy this time, Townshippers? ? https://t.co/ObWMXI4y3A ...
It’s party time! ? Masks, lights, and feathers are spinning all around ? Join us in getting ready for this cool carnival and tell us what you think about it ? https://t.co/VMDYCgEMJl ...
The fun has begun—the newest version of the game is already LIVE for you! ? Friends, what are you most excited about? ? https://t.co/zgwFPy3UgZ ...
Is your barn fully packed with all those fantastic products? ? Show us 3 of them that you have the most of! ? Let’s make a list of top products together! ? https://t.co/zt6j0nymZl ...
It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters ? Looking for a co-op or in need of great players? ? Leave your co-op tags below and don't hesitate to join in ? ht...
BOOM! ? Professor Verne confused his bottles and found himself head to toe in soot ? Tell us the funny stories from your jobs, and let’s laugh together ? https://t.co/9WIPgcFUGh ...
Want to find yourself in the blossom of charming flowers? ? Help Sarnai renovate the room and come back to show off your variant of it ? 3…2…1…Go ? https://t.co/kSXwOpw908 twitte...
To the world, you are a mother, but to your family, you are the world ? Congrats to all our Moms out there ? Have you hugged your Mom today, or are your children hugging you? ? https://t....
Want a glimpse of backstage? ? This is how we create the bright Township world for you! ✍ Are there any fluffy troublemakers beside you when you work? ? https://t.co/Q935TprPOl t...
And finally the Rock Season is here! ? Collect tickets, receive valuable rewards, and don’t forget about the Golden Ticket perks! ? How much cooler it can get?! ? https://t.co/unDrBpC1FA ...
Your ideas matter! ? We'd love to know what holidays or any thematic events you want to see in the game each year ? Be the first to leave your thoughts ? https://t.co/dYGVqZYfPg ...
The Earth is what we all have in common ? Guys, do you celebrate Earth Day? ? Tell us what YOU do to protect our blessed Mother-Land? ? https://t.co/YVRJ0FeWxJ ...
It's never too late to have a happy childhood ? Castle in thе Trees is already available to redesign! ? Guys, have you started putting your fantasies into reality yet? ? https://t.co/ZRLC...
- SNEAK PEEK #2: Feels as if something very tremendous is coming! ? Can you guess what next season is all about? ? Enthusiastic reviews are more than welcome! ? https://t.co/yEDT7H60Gs ...
SNEAK PEEK #1: Two incredible events are on the way! ? Are you as excited as we are? ? Leave your guesses about the areas you will be renovating next! ? https://t.co/GuJl44TfMk t...
Congratulation to everyone! ?Did you know that carrots are made up of 88 percent water? ? Show us the carrot fields in your towns and let’s celebrate! ? https://t.co/XNzMe5SqQR t...
Townshippers, have you spotted anything new in your towns yet? ? We may have prepared a surprise for you ? It’s time to dig in! ? https://t.co/pEgfGiMeIP ...
Missed the regatta, guys? ? Race is on with all its underwater magnificence! ⛵ Tell us about your tips and tricks to succeed and climb up the leagues ? https://t.co/oAuh7g7Wu7 tw...
Makeover on the way again! ⛲ Take part in this exciting event and arrange your very own blooming garden on the roof! ? Let’s go! ?♀ https://t.co/Sob3UAChVN ...
A greenhouse on the roof? ? Easy! Take a look at the new flourishing decor you can achieve during the upcoming makeover ? Is there a perfect spot ready for it yet? ? https://t.co/tQBL5Wdj...
Plan your work and work your plan ? Is it your strategy, or are you more of a spontaneous type? ? We’d love to know about your game approach ? https://t.co/8kPfLvF5T0 ...
In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips ? Tag a pal who has the same love for Township as you do ⏬ Who’s the first to come to your mind? ? https://t.co/W1hMrymqVT ...
Round, and round, and round we go—our new event is ON! ? Set out to conquer the competition top ? Are you excited? Thrilled? Enthusiastic? ? https://t.co/g00QuUTUol ...
Friends are the family you choose, do you agree? ? Find yourself a co-op that’s cut out just for you and head towards the regatta heights ⚓ Let’s go! ? https://t.co/V15xfi6wQl tw...
Get ready to skip the reality and dive into the newest version of the game! ? It’s now on for all our dear players! ? Friends, what are you most thrilled about? ? https://t.co/mplZPFBl4...
SNEAK PEEK #2: What great news! ? We look forward to renovating the roof and turning it into a comfy place ☕ Another expansion will also be available! ? https://t.co/Bip9ltKQou ...
SNEAK PEEK #1: Adventures await! ? Get ready for the magic carpet ride, a genie’s visit, and so much more ? Pals, we’re pumped, are you? ? https://t.co/B9MVAq8SF2 ...
Townshippers, how are you today? ? Can you relate to any mood of these guys in the pic? ? Let us feel your vibes here ? https://t.co/i7cdO9M29r ...
Have you checked on your pet yet? ? We’re sure they have their secret hobbies to indulge in while you play! ? Show us your pet’s most iconic photos and let’s laugh together ? https://t.c...
Sailors, the new regatta season is here! ? The waves are singing for you to join the race ⛵ Get your boats on the water and enjoy the sea breeze, are you? ? https://t.co/WBh4YPtkqO ...
Happy International Mother Language Day, friends ? Let's see the Township fans' diversity—write the quote in the pic in your native speech✍ Or leave an emoji if it's English ? https://t.c...
Townshippers, your battery percentage is what you get ? A couch, a cupcake, or a pepper? ? Leave your funny low battery stories and screenshots here ? https://t.co/FCmSyp16Qm twi...
Our Sheeplechase event is LIVE now ? Townshippers, do you love it as Sarnai does? ? Spare no detail on your strategy ? https://t.co/jjAI4PpPro ...
Today seems to be the best day to let you know that we love you to the moon and back! ? Mayors, warmest wishes from the Township Team ? How are you celebrating? ? https://t.co/v3qVHHRD0R ...
Guys, special occasion outfit tips are needed! ? Give your opinions on what Becky should wear on a date ? Leave your thoughts below! ? https://t.co/On2GZGPhGn ...
There’s always the best combination that brings the victory ? Let us know the booster blend you know will work for sure ? Write yours here ? https://t.co/ejNaGyNP7L ...
French Holiday is here to help you turn your town into the most romantic place ? Grab your first reward and get this adventure started! ✅ Friends, are you enjoying it? ? https://t.co/eU1Z...
The new magnificent decor will be available during our next Season Adventure! ? Any croissant fans here? ? Show off your town area where this cafe would fit perfectly ? https://t.co/3rRdc...
All we need is ? so we prepped these lovely wallpapers for the upcoming holiday ? You may show off your new screen style below ? Tell us what you’ve got! https://t.co/0nhZcSIzbN ...
Thank you, guys, for sharing your Township alphabet ideas! ? Check out the work we’ve done together ? So, what would be your fav word description? ?♀ https://t.co/gsuOeEHdK6 twi...
Snowy season lovers, don’t miss your chance to get another fascinating decor for your town ⛄ New event is just around the corner! ? Feeling enthusiastic? ? https://t.co/h1fTuO1PAe ...
Hooray! ? The newest version of the game enlightened the streets of our towns now ? Folks, get it as soon as possible and come back to give us your opinions on it ? https://t.co/AOYrDKtJ6...
SNEAK PEEK #2: An incredible mountain view will take your breath away ? We’ll also have favorite characters solving a mystery ? Folks, are you looking forward to it? ⛺ https://t.co/aPIrug...
SNEAK PEEK #1: The Eiffel Tower, lavender fields, and fresh croissants! ? Get ready to feel the taste of France in our new adventure ? Who’s excited? ? https://t.co/QB9g7LCjOP tw...
BREAKING NEWS! ⛄ Samuel’s sheep ran away, but you can help to bring them back ? Join Sarnai in a brand-new adventure and leave your impressions below! ? https://t.co/xTPZb3QApV t...
Yoo-hoo, friends, it’s time to catch the stars during a snow track race! ? Molly is already on it and waits for you to hop in ? So what’s your highest score for today? ⏬ https://t.co/JIG5...
Here's the thing—let's create the Township alphabet together! ?? Write your variants for each letter, and we'll feature the coolest ones soon ? Any ideas? ? https://t.co/FeqGGDB5Eg ...
NEWBIE TIP ?: our new infographics will help you enter the edit mode so you could redesign your town easily ? How often do you rearrange the buildings, guys? ? https://t.co/ixqh7AnZOE ...
Cheryl is excited about the Jungle Quest event and invites you to jump in ? Folks, how close are you to the main prize—100 T-cash? ? Leave your answers here ⛳ https://t.co/UhDiUQGhaq ...
Buckle up, space explorers! ? We’re going to discover new planets soon ? Can you show us the spot you’ll place this cool radar decor on? ?? https://t.co/4TpavUmYAE ...
Ornament Festival has just kicked off in your town! ? Folks, feel the rhythm of the event and show off your progress ? How is it going? ? https://t.co/K1dUTG776K ...
It’s BINGO time! ✅ The townspeople are already back to their businesses after a lovely celebration ? Mayors, what are you up to these days? ✍ https://t.co/hI5I2rzpCQ ...
Clucky had an unpredictable situation during this snowy journey ? But nothing can stop her from continuing the fun! ❄ Guys, are you riding today? ? https://t.co/FZG0Evt9OB twitte...
Howdy, friends Which cheese meal from Township suits your Zodiac sign the most? Tell us what you’ve got https://t.co/FH6gWCnqlq ...
This is the best time to live the dream and be happy! ? Townshippers, what’s your year 2022 ambitious plan? ✍ We’re all ears ? https://t.co/ws9vmRqZmN ...
Pals, thanks for sharing your beautiful photos ? Our townspeople couldn’t resist joining the celebration ? Looks lovely, doesn’t it? ? https://t.co/EYbfC7N7MY ...
Traditions touch us and connect our hearts ? Folks, tell us your sweetest holiday traditions ⛄ Is there something that makes you happier each year? ? https://t.co/8g4tZUJrKK twit...
Christmas is all around! ⛄ Townshippers, we’d love to know your most-watched holiday movies of all time ? What would you pick for the festive evening? ? https://t.co/35uRiJSMKe t...
Surround yourself with beauty and enjoy the holiday spirit even more! ? Guys, get a new wallpaper for your device ? Let us know below which one is your top choice ? https://t.co/rYkZipMf0...
Ho-ho-ho! Susie’s family and Nicholas are about to renovate an old train car ? Hurry up to join them and prove Christmas magic is real! ? Let us see your makeover progress below ⏬ https:/...